Moscow State Historical and Ethnographic Theatre Behind this reliable name is a unique team of professional dramatic actors and musicians whose performances combine folk dramatic art and theatre direction, ancient polyphonic singing and player skill, old Russian musical instruments, bright folk costumes and vivid popular language. The Historical and Ethnographic Theatre was established in 1988 by young actors led by Mikhail Mizyukov (now art director of the theatre), former students of the Russia's oldest M. S. Shchepkin Theatre College at the Maly Theatre. Since then the theatre produced following performances: "The Hour of God's Will" by N. S. Leskov, "Cossack Pageant", "Russian Calendar", "The Song of Fate" by A. A. Blok, "Folk Mosaic", "Shish of Moscow" by B. V. Shergin, "Love Feerie" by Lesya Ukrayinka, "A Fair at the Beginning of the Century", etc. For junior audience, the repertory of the theatre contents a series of plays based on Russian folktales: "The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise", "Tale of Ivan-Tsarevitch, the Firebird and the Grey Wolf", "Winter Fairytale", "Go I Don't Know Where and Bring I Don't Know What", "The Magic Ring", "The Light-Moon and Ivan the Bogatyr", "Neznaiko and the Magic Mirror", "Marya-Morevna and Koschei the Deathless". Among large-scale performance projects accomplished by the theatre are: "Posadnik" by A. K. Tolstoy staged in the St. George's Cathedral of Yuryev Monastery in Novgorod (ordered by the International Foundation for Slavic Writing and Culture), the night performance "There, There, to the Wide Fields" staged in the open on the Bezhin meadow and based on the "Hunter's Notes" by I. S. Turgenev (ordered by the administration of Tula and the Russian Writers' Union), "The Candle of Russian Land" in Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery (ordered by Russian Slavic Foundation), "Izmailovsky Island" in the patrimonial estate of Romanovs (ordered by the State Historical Museum and VAO "Inturist"), "Be to Me, Brethren, to Moscow", historical pageant commemorating the 850th anniversary of Moscow, "Semyon Dezhnyov", historical pageant in Anadyr (ordered by the Department of Culture and Art of Chukotka Autonomous District), etc. In 1997, the theatre was reformed into the Moscow State Historical and Ethnographic Theatre according to the Decree of Moscow Government. During last years, the theatre toured in Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Poland (twice), Germany (ten times), had many tours through Russia, repeatedly participated in films and casts of Russian, Spanish, German and Bulgarian TV. In 1997, the Historical and Ethnographic Theatre represented Russia on the International Folklore Festival in Bitburg (Germany). In 1999, the theatre participated in the 5th All-Russian Theatre Festival "Voices of History" in Vologda and gained the award for scenography and costumes of the performance "Russian Calendar" (designer N. Mikhailova). In 2002, the theatre was the prizewinner of the International Folklore Festival "Stara Planina Meeting - Balkan Folk 2002" in Veliko Tyrnovo (Bulgaria) and gained there the Sign of Honor. In 1996, the theatre issued the musical CD "Russian Sacred Music and Folklore", in 2002 the CD "Moscow State Historical and Ethnographic Theatre on the Balkan Folk 2002". The art director of the theatre is Mikhail Mizyukov 129327, Moscow, Russia, Rudnevoi st. 3. Phone/fax: 7-(495)-184-17-11, 184-17-22 Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.

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Три дня молодца женили (Ростовская свадебная)
Калинушка (русская народная песня)
Да исправится молитва моя. Д.Бортнянский
Цвели в поле цветики (Новгородская лирическая)
Заплетись-плетень (Белгородская плясовая)
Боже, Царя храни (русский национальный гимн) А.Львов
Посидите гостюшки (Скоморошина-небылицы)
Небо и земле (рождественские колядки Кубани)
У Егорья (Архангельская хороводная)
Ах, зачем эта ночь (Русская народная песня)
Добрый вечер Тоби (рождественские колядки)
Чёрный ворон (протяжная донских казаков)
Пролегала путь-дорожка (плясовая донских казаков)
Когда б имел златые горы (Русская народная песня)
Ой-рано на Ивана (Брянские купльские песни)
Купала на Ивана (Брянские купальские песни)
Ангел вопияши. Л.Динев
Зародилась сильна ягодка (лирическая Волгоградской области)
Ванюша (лирическая)
Через садик - через вишенье (Белгородская плясовая)
Хвалите Господа с небес. С.Рахманинов
Во лузях (Архангельская хороводная)
Хвалите имя Господне. П.Чесноков
Душа моя прегрешная (духовный стих)
Марусенька (песня Некрасовских казаков)
В 1791 году. (историческая песня кубанских казаков)
Тимоня (Курские озорные частушки)
Как бы в нашей сотне (Плясовая песня Волгоградской области)
Иже Херувимы . М.Слонов
Поехал казак на чужбину далёкую (протяжная донских казаков)
Великое славословие
С нами Бог. Н.Мельников
Хожу я потравке (Архангельсая хороводная)
Земле Русская. (стихира русским святым)
Слава и ныне (трёхголосная литургия №1) Д.Бортнянский
У Егорья
Заплетись - плетень (Белгородская плясовая)
Пролегала путь-дорожка
Чёрный ворон
Черный ворон
Купала на Ивана
Когда б имел златые горы
Цвели в поле цветики
Ах, зачем эта ночь
Душа моя прегрешная
Ах - зачем эта ночь
Во лузях
Плывет стадо лебединое

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