Андрей Баранов

Andrey Baranov /Андрей Баранов was a unique guitarist, that played more than a dozen of instruments. Apart from guitar they were yambra, kobza, gusli, greek buzuki, kashgarian rubob, ukulele... After graduating from Moscow Institution of civil aviation he joined famous Ансамбль фольклорной музыки под управлением Владимира Назарова /Folk music ensemble under conduct of Vladimir Nazarov/. While in the ensemble Andrey visited more than 42 countries and made more than 653 records in different guitar styles like country, blues, bossa-nova, waltz, bluegrass, latina. By early 80s Andrey became world-famous as a guitar virtuoso. His life was not less legendary than his music. Andrey was born on Aug 17, 1960 in Volzhsk, Mariy El republic, Russia. He lived in Moscow. Died at the age of 42 (Aug 2, 2003) in auto crash on the way to country music festival in his native town... In late 80s he joined project "Peace Caravan" where musicians, actors, and clowns toured across all European countries. In the beginning of 2000s Andrey Baranov with help of Mikhail Mikhanovich (mandolina), and Anatoliy Negashev (contrabass) created his own band «Трио Бараноff» /Trio Baranoff/ that successfully toured in Russia. Andrey took part in many records and tours of other Russian artists: «Кукуруза», «Любэ», Александр Малинин, Олег Митяев, Андрей Козловский, «ГрАссМейстер» and others. Andrey Baranov also composed for theater and cinema: theater for Lev Durov (play "With regards, Don Quichotte!", 'Modern play school' theater) for Tatiana Vasilyeva («That's all, all…all?» feat. Valery Garkalin) for clown-mim-theater «Лицедеи» /"Licedei"/ (The Cirque du Soleil) cinema «Участок» (2003 г.) "Бухта Филиппа" «Валентин и Валентина» (1985 г.) music video «МАМАКАБО» starring Leonid Leikin («Лицедеи») and Tatiana Vasilyeva. Albums In 1999 under pseudonym «Капитан Морган» /Captain Morgan/ Andrey Baranov with musicians from «ГрАссМейстер» recorded in Moscow, Russia and issued in UK his first album «Капитан Морган. МАМАКАБО». The album is a fantastic mix of blues, ragtime, country, latina, waltz and march, that surrounds listener with atmosphere of magic felling of fresh air, freedom and romance. In 2004 was issued DVD «Очень хочется летать…» /"Feels like flying.../ - a concert in memory of Andrey Baranov on 12th of Feb, 2004 in Krymskiy Val in Moscow. The DVD also included unique records of Andrey Baranov. In addition to DVD there was issued second album «Андрей Баранов. Live». Andey Baranov's compositions were included in CDs: «Республика на Волге. Грушинский фестиваль. Рок-сцена» (magazine «АвтоЗвук», 7-2004), mamakabo /"МАМАКАБО"/(2005 г.) Tags guitar, acoustic, jazz, country, blues, bossa-nova, waltz, bluegrass, latina Life Biography of Andrey Baranov reminds an adventurous novel; he was constantly lost from sight in different countries: in 1983 with folk music ensemble he arrived to Angola (in war) on a board of aircraft carrier «Новороссийск» and when landed ashore musicians had to survive under attack - they were fired from both sides. in 1985 in Brazil he was arrested by a police patrol and spent some time in local prison under suspicion in crime. in 1986 he participated in concerts in support of victims of Chernobyl disaster. in 1987 he played on a wedding of Princess of Jordan, daughter of Hussein II. after Perestroika in USSR he went to Calcutta, India and worked in the Missionaries of Charity with mother Teresa. in 1989, when touring in Germany with «Peace Caravan», he took part in destruction of Berlin Wall and then joined to volunteers in project "The Wall" by Pink Floyd. in 1992 in Dusseldorf, where he was trying to open Yakutian folk center, he had conflict with Chechen terrorists from Dudaev group. in 1994 he was twice a representative of an American financial corporation, but soon got disappointed in the business. He went to Providence, Guyana, South America, where he founded a harbor for romantics like him. He headed a diving team of pearl-divers and treasure seekers from sank vessels. He had luck and found treasure on a sank spanish galeon, that was defeated by Captain Morgan. He used that money to record his album (Captain Morgan. MAMAKABO) and music video «МАМАКАБО» (directed by a talented and popular clip-maker, that just finished music video for Michael Jackson). After finishing music video Andrey made round trip on a yacht, trying to follow Charles Darwin route… After that Andrey disappeared from sight. He told his friends that he went to sanatorium named after Bruno Schwartz in Clepsidra. In that imaginary place he lived for several years, composing his "music of impressions from life situations" and working on his thesis «Psychedelic impact of string vibration on human hypothalamus». He planned recording of his second album, that was almost ready and planned a festival of guitar music in his native town Volzhsk. But those plans were not realised... Festival МАМАКАБО Andrey Baranov's dream was a country and folk guitar music festival in his native town. However, with help from his friends, initiated by Timur Vedernikov in 2004 in memory of Andrey Baranov first Международный музыкальный фестиваль Андрея Баранова «МАМАКАБО» /International music festival of Andrey Baranov "MAMAKABO"/was opened. Among participants of the festival are outstanding musicians - Иван Смирнов, Энвер Измайлов, Дмитрий Четвергов, Дмитрий Малолетов, Тамара Сидорова, Tommy Emmanuel and others (http://www.mamakabo.ru). Since 2004 МАМАКАБО became an annual event and took place in different cities of Russia and Ukraine. Club «На пеньках» 10th of Feb, 2006 in Moscow was founded Andrey Baranov's club «На пеньках». There are many russian artists and instrumentalists among members of the club: Иван Смирнов, Екатерина Болдырева, Павел Фахртдинов, Михаил Кочетков, Алексей Лысиков, Ксения Федулова, Николай Харитонов, Евгений Агапов, Наталья Дудкина, Павел Аксёнов, Сергей Милюков, Вовка Кожекин, Наталья Кучер… Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.

acoustic guitar blues russian rock

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Иван Смирнов

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Энвер Измайлов

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Ирина Сурина

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Листьями пошуршать
Флажолетная Санта Каталина
Санчо Панса
Очаровательный негодяй
Рыжая Африка
Прогулка по Парижу
Венесуэльский вальс
Марина Бонита
Блюз для укулеле с саксофоном
Поезд Блюз
Босса Мария
Ангел Провиденсии
Песня про Егора
Коматозный чечеточник
Вальс Шоша
Проводы друга
Листьями пошуршать (А. Тарасову)
Прогулка по Парижу (Тиффани Тавернье)
Санчо Панса (Льву Константиновичу Дурову)
Трио Нэшвилл
Марш газовчиков-буровичков
Три Нешвилл
Блюз для Тома
Вальс Шоша (Джону и Керен)
Проводы друга (Муратову)
Блюз для укулеле с саксофоном (Николаевым, младшему, старшему и всей фамилии)
Босса Мария (Марусе)
Марина Бонита (Марине)
Трио Нешвилл
Песня про Егора (Егору)
Я свободен, я гуляю
Музыка Кантри
По Дороге в Загорск
Марш нетрезвых авиаторов
Марш газовичков-буровичков
про Алексея Тарасова
Коматозный чечеточник (Лейкину)
МАМАКАБО (Т. Васильевой)
Венесуэльский вальс (по мотивам Квадромана Отъезд)
Про Домбай
Ангел Провидения
Рэйтайм (Пэту Метени)
Марш газовчиков-буровичков (маме с папой)
Три Нешвилл (памяти Константина Кужалиева)

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