Drugs, Music & Sex

hardcore true Hardcore new york hardcore

Hardcore band from, QueenZ, New York, United States The seven-piece lineup of Skarhead began their romp of metal, hip-hop, and punk in 1995. Featuring members of the New York-based hardcore act Crown of Thorns, self-released their debut EP Drugs, Money and Sex in 1997 before signing to Victory Records. The following year, the Queens, NY, natives put out their debut full-length Kings at Crime. In 2009 they released their long awaited follow up 'Drugs, Music, Sex' through I Scream records. Band Members; Lord Ezec (vocals), Lou Dibella (vocals), Puerto-Rican Mike (vocals), Mitts (guitar), White Owl (guitar), Little Tony (bass), and Goat (drums) myspace.com/skarheadmusic Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.

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