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Marla Hansen is am American violinist and singer. As well as solo recordings, and orchestra and quartet contributions, Hansen's string skills have featured with Kanye West (including appearing with the MC on the US show "Saturday Night Live") and Jay-Z (as part of an orchestra that backed Mr. Carter when he did Reasonable Doubt at Radio City Music Hall in June of 2006). Hansen has also recorded with various music-makers including The New Pornographers (playing on Challengers), The National (singing on Boxer), and Oneida (playing on The Wedding). A range of musicians, including Sufjan Stevens, Shara Worden (My Brightest Diamond), and Rob Moose (of Antony's Johnsons and MBD), guest on her debut musical offering, an EP entitled "Wedding Day" released in 2007. In 2020 she released "Dust" that features contributions from Taylor Savvy (Peaches), Knox Chandler (R.E.M.) and Christian Biegai (Antony and the Johnsons). Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.

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